Effingham County 4-H members participated in “A Day at Southern,” where they were able to get an inside look at college life, admission procedures and the overall operation system of Georgia Southern University.
A GSU student ambassador led 4-H’ers on a tour the campus. The 4-H’ers were able to ask questions regarding admission procedures and requirements needed for the application process.
“It was a neat and interesting experience and I was able to learn a lot about college life,” said 4-H’er Marci Delcampo. “Although I am only in ninth grade, it was good to know what I need to be working toward for college.”
Morgan Young, Effingham County Extension 4-H intern, organized the event for the Senior 4-H group.
“The tour was a great success and I am happy it has generated some excitement among the students about college,” Young said. “We want them thinking about their college futures and how to get there.”
The Effingham 4-H program is dedicated to providing college and career education for students through education and activities. For more information, visit www.ugaextension.com/effingham/4H or call 754-8040.