Meredith Arrington, Hannah King and Roger Teeple, agricultural educators at Effingham County High School, and Trey Harris, agricultural educator at Effingham County Middle School, were among the 405 teachers from across the state who attended the annual Georgia Vocational Agricultural Teachers Association Summer Leadership Conference in July on Jekyll Island.
King was elected to serve on the GVATA executive board from area 4.
During the GVATA Summer Leadership Conference, educators conduct an annual business meeting, participate in professional learning breakout sessions, award members for outstanding service and elect new representatives to serve on the GVATA executive board. This meeting also allows educators the opportunity to communicate and collaborate with other agriculture teachers from across the state.
Arrington of Effingham County High School retired from her area 4 director position after three years of service. She had several duties while serving on the GVATA executive board. Arrington designed T-shirts for the 400-plus members and arranged the breakout sessions for professional learning the past three years in addition to setting up a community service project for the organization in 2012.
Arrington traveled to St. Louis in 2011 and Las Vegas in 2013 to participate in the National Agriculture Teachers Association Conference. She also attended the Region 5 NAAE conferences in Charleston, S.C., in 2012 and in Pigeon Forge, Tenn., in 2013.
Arrington served on several committees and participated in many professional development activities while at the NAAE conferences. During her tenure on the GVATA Executive Board, She was recognized nationally as a Teachers Turn the Key award recipient in 2011 and as the Georgia Outstanding New Member in 2012.