The following were milestones published in January 2000 by Effingham Herald:
June 17, 1927 – In another contest to boost paper sales, The Herald again offers a car, a 1927 Chevrolet, to the person adding the most subscribers. The several week long contest is won by Mrs. E. J. Graham.
Feb. 12, 1926 – 22 boys from the high school organize the school’s first chorus called “The Serenaders.”
Nov. 5, 1926 – Two 50 gallon liquor stills, a pair of the largest in county history, are found in Goshen Swamp and destroyed by Sheriff Marsh along with 310 gallons of “shine.”
Jan. 9, 1925 – The Herald sponsors a contest to increase paper sales. The winner of the contest, Mrs. A. F. Chadwick of Pineora, won a 1925 Nash Special Six Touring Car valued at $1,260.
March 13, 1925 – County Commissioners decide to gravel the road between Springfield and Rincon (Highway 21).
April 24, 1925 – A large Klu Klux Klan rally in Springfield was attended by 400-500 with dinner served. There was no violence and it was stressed that the KKK is a law abiding organization with the goal of protecting American values.
Sept. 4, 1925 – The governor appoints Milton Arden as county treasurer. “The Effingham County Board of Trade” is established “to put Effingham on the map.”
Dec. 11, 1925 – The Georgia Salzburger Society was organized, a permanent organization to perpetuate the memory of the first Salzburger Settlers.
July 18, 1924 – Businessmen and farmers join to purchase the Ford Ginnery, which has stood idle for two years. Now cotton won’t have to be sent out of the cotton for ginning.
April 30, 1923 – The Salzburger Chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy unveil the Confederate Monument on the courthouse lawn.
Oct. 5, 1923 – Ingram’s Pharmacy in Springfield burns (again).
Oct. 20, 1922 – A terrible train wreck on the Savannah and Atlanta Railroad just south of Springfield Depot, kills three men and destroys 10 cars plus the engine when gasoline and oil being carried bursts into flames.
June 18, 1920 – Reported the most dastardly crime in Effingham history to date, the murder of Miss Anza Jaudon, resulted in a 10-day manhunt of Philip Gathers, a day laborer. When the posse found him near Stilson in Bulloch County, the posse relived Sheriff Scott of his prisoner and took him to the murder site where he was killed without benefit of a trial. As far as can be found there were never charges brought to the more than 100 men participating.
July 11, 1919 – County civic groups organize a July 4 picnic and Welcome Home Celebration in Springfield for the men returning from war.
October 10, 1919 – The county fair was cancelled due to “adverse seasons and poor crops”.
October 10, 1918 – The newly organized Effingham County Agricultural and Cooperative Fair Association holds a fair with a parade, farm floats and agricultural exhibits.
April 6, 1917 – The United States declares war on Germany entering what will be known as World War I.
Sept. 27, 1917 – About 30 ladies met at the home of R. T. Davis to organize a County Red Cross Chapter with Springfield as the headquarters.
May 19, 1916 – Thousands assemble to dedicate a new $6,000 steel bridge across the Ogeechee River, connecting Bulloch and Effingham counties.
March 12, 1915 –Congress finally grants a Civil War claim in the amount of $225 in damages incurred by Jerusalem Lutheran Church by Union soldiers.
March 26, 1915 – Chero-Cola bottling plant will open in Springfield.
Feb. 27, 1914 – The hardest snow storm in 50 years hits the county with 3 inches of snow and icy sleet. Farmers suspend work and there are many minor injuries from slipping and falls.
May 15, 1914 – High winds threaten to burn out the town of Egypt when the home of W.H J. Foy and several tenement houses burned. Volunteers from all over the county came to fight fire and stopped the destruction.
Aug. 8, 1913 – Springfield’s light plant is completed bringing electricity and making it “more modern…and a more attractive place of residence”.
Aug. 22, 1913 - Springfield plans to organize a Chamber of Commerce.
Aug. 29, 1913 – Guyton gets electricity and a system of water works funded by a $15,000 bond referendum which had passed earlier.
Aug. 8, 1912 – The world’s most famous railroad tramp, known only by his mark “A No. 1,” passes through Springfield and stops at the Herald office to chat about his life and adventures.
Sept. 8, 1911 – Springfield’s new brick high school named Effingham Academy is announced to formally open September 11.
March 14, 1910 – Springfield citizens and businessmen meet at the office of Mr. G.M. Brinson to discuss improving the city sidewalks and beautifying them by planting shade trees.
Feb. 19, 1909 - The cornerstone of a new Courthouse is laid in Springfield on George Washington’s birthday. It is completed September 10th.
October 15, 1908 – The first issue of the Springfield Herald is published.
Rail service came to Springfield in 1907 with the building of the Brinson Railroad from Savannah to Springfield.
The First Baptist Church of Rincon builds its first church building in 1901.
In 1900, the population of Effingham County is 8,334. Guyton is the largest town with 500 and Egypt second largest with 250.
In 1890, the Southbound Railroad Company built tracks through what is now known as Rincon.
This was compiled by Susan Exley of Historic Effingham Society. If you have photos, comments or information to share, contact Susan Exley at 754-6681 or email her at:
Reviewing the last of the milestones