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Effingham County names first female code enforcement officer
Lindsay Freyermuth
Lindsay Freyermuth

Special to the Herald

SPRINGFIELD – Lindsay Freyermuth isn’t impressed by her history-making achievement. Her supervisor is, however.

“She’s wonderful,” said Steve Candler, director of Effingham County Development Services. “She is the first female code enforcement officer (in Effingham County).”

Freyermuth, 25, started in her current post July 10. She has been a county employee since November 2022.

“I didn’t really think about being the first female code enforcement officer until it was mentioned to me,” she said. “That part didn’t really affect me as far as accepting the job. I knew I could do it.”

Freyermuth previously served the county as a zoning technician.

“I suggested that she apply for the (code enforcement officer) position because she knows so much about zoning,” Candler said. “It’s great to have everything in writing, but -- if nobody enforces (the code) – what good is the document? Since she already knew a lot of the stuff that she was going to enforce, it was a natural fit, I think.

"She has taken (the job) and run with it."

Freyermuth’s primary responsibility is to investigate complaints about potential code violations. Among many things, these include signs posted in the right of way and timber being harvested without proper notification.

“We try to educate first so that everyone understands what is going on,” Candler said. “She will tell people that they are violating a particular ordinance and then give them a time frame to correct the problem. If folks hold their ground (and continue to violate the code), they will end up in front of Magistrate Court.”

Freyermuth is receiving helpful tips about how to perform her new duties from Senior Code Enforcement Officer Greg Hood.

“She’s learning a lot from Greg. He is a good teacher,” Candler said.