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Effingham County Sheriff’s Office holds Jail Officer Training Class
Deputies in classroom
Sheriff deputies from Effingham and surrounding counties attend jail officer training class in Effingham County. (Submitted photo.)

Special to the Herald


Effingham County -- The Effingham County Sheriff’s Office is hosting a training class the week of June 5 for jail officers to better prepare them for the demands of the job. 


The Jail Training and Evaluation Program (JTEP) is designed to provide knowledge and skills to new employees, which in turn, will provide for a more effective and efficient work environment.  


Officers from Chatham County, Cook County, Effingham County, and Floyd County sheriff offices are participating in the week-long training session going over topics such as, “ethics and professionalism”, “cultural diversity” and “intelligent solutions for conflict”, among others.


“This training helps raise the bar for the up-and-coming jail employees of the future. Today’s jail environment is diverse and ever changing, so we want to make sure we have well-trained, motivated, and capable jail officers ready to take on those challenges,” says Lt. Derick Seckinger, assistant jail administrator for the Effingham County Sheriff’s Office. 


Usually, ECSO officers have to travel elsewhere in the state for this training, but this year is the first time the training is being held here and Sheriff Jimmy McDuffie could not be more excited.

“We are more than elated to be able to bring this training to South Georgia. We look forward to being able to offer more of this type of training to our area and the southern regions of Georgia,” says Sheriff McDuffie.