Effingham County High School freshman Kenzie Floyd holds her rabbit before Saturday's Livestock Extravaganza.
Effingham County Middle School seventh-graders Kelsey Kight (left) and Lexie Thompson apply hair conditioner to Kight's wether during Saturday's Effingham County Livestock Extravaganza at Honey Ridge Plantation.
Ebenezer Elementary School third-grader Harrison Zittrouer and Jeremy Zittrouer groom a heifer Saturday at the Livestock Extravaganza.
Effingham County High School agriculture teacher Logan Hunter helps Allison Smith groom her entry at Saturday's Effingham County Livestock Extravaganza at Honey Ridge Plantation.
Effingham County Middle School sixth-grader Haley Harvin grooms Rose, her mixed Angus heifer, during the Livestock Extravaganza on Saturday.