Special to the Herald
Girl Scout Juniors from Troop 30387 worked with the Georgia Salzburger Society to identify the community need of protecting the local wildlife. They met in April to place a sign between the Jerusalem Lutheran Church and Georgia Salzburger Society Museum. Their sign encourages visitors to help protect wildlife by taking their trash. They also weeded and placed pine straw in the azalea bed. This was the last part of a Take Action step in their Agent of Change Journey. GSS Museum Curator Patsy Zeigler had a nice reception for the girls to thank them after their hard work was complete.
In Girl Scouts, girls in grades K-12 bring their dreams to life and work together to build a better world, knowing the next opportunity to stand up, speak up and take the lead is never far away. The possibilities for greatness are truly endless.
Ready to join? Visit gshg.org or call 888-689-1912 to get started. Girls wanting to join an Effingham County troop may email effinghamgagirlscouts@gmail.com for more information.