Special to the Herald
Summer fun for girls in Girl Scout Troops 30197 and 30235 included an outing to Kazoobie Kazoos in Beaufort, South Carolina. The girls had time to browse through the museum which was full of kazoos, fun facts, and trivia.
The girls toured the Kazoo factory where they learned how kazoos were made. They received a demonstration of each of the various machines used in the making of kazoos from start to finish. They also learned how kazoos could be personalized for special events and saw many kazoo characters like Santa, a turkey, a mermaid, a rabbit, and a graduate. Next each participant was given the opportunity to make their own kazoo. This was followed by a group performance of “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star” for the first group and “Happy Birthday to You” for the second group. After a time for shopping, the girls ended their time with the Girl Scout Friendship Circle. Our Flat Juliette Girl Scout sisters joined in on the fun before catching their flights back home. These sister scouts were from Michigan, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. “Flat Juliette” are Girl Scout pen pals who are invited to visit other troops and share their adventures.
The kazoo made the news in the late 1800s, but not all journalists were fans. Today the kazoo is in the news again, and these girls are fans. The girls highly recommend Kazoobie Kazoos to all who are in the area. And if you’re not in the area, you can check out their online store at thekazoofactory.com.
In Girl Scouts, girls in grades K-12 can bring their dreams to life and work together to build a better world, knowing the next opportunity to stand up, speak up and take the lead is never far away. The possibilities for greatness are endless.
Ready to join? Visit gshg.org or call 888-689-1912 to get started. Girls wanting to join an Effingham County troop may email effinghamgagirlscouts@gmail.com for more information.