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Guyton Council Post 1 candidates talk about downtown development, master plan
City of Guyton

By Barbara Augsdorfer, Editor for the Effingham Herald


[Editor’s note: The Herald asked a series of questions to the candidates in the upcoming Nov. 7 elections. Below are their answers to the following questions:

1)     What are two or three specific issues facing the current council that you believe have not been met or dealt with adequately and how do you intend to address those issues if elected?

2)     Do you support TSPLOST? If not, why not? If TSPLOST fails, what alternate revenue sources will you seek to maintain the city’s infrastructure? 

3)     How will you work with the Chamber of Commerce to attract and keep viable and resident-desired businesses (sit-down restaurants, gyms, spas, movie theatres, daycare centers, etc.) within the city?

Candidates’ responses are in alphabetical order.]


Jeremiah Chancey

Jeremiah Chancey
Guyton Councilmember-elect Jeremiah Chancey

Chancey did not supply answers to the Herald’s specific questions.


Marshall Reiser (Incumbent)

“The current council has been very active during the past four years. The items that I would like to address, if re-elected, are the following —

1.     Downtown Development Authority (recently established) -- small-business development focus; downtown revitalization efforts similar to Springfield.

2.     YMCA (contract negotiations in process) -- to offer daycare, youth and senior programs as well as fitness resources.

3.     Master Plan (final version pending) – smart-growth strategy based on citizen input and months of planning. As Hyundai and other major employers expand and impact our community, let’s be proactive!

T. Marshall Reiser
T. Marshall Reiser
“TSPLOST is a wonderful resource for local governments to provide much-needed improvements for our transportation needs. TSPLOST limits real estate tax increases by spreading the burden to all resource users through a sales tax assessment. Guyton has been successful using TSPLOST funds for repaving more than one-third of our existing streets. If the next referendum is approved, the city should continue with repaving projects, but also pursue further development of a bicycle/walking trail from the city limits all the way to Pineora along the existing old Hwy. 17 road bed.”  

“Intergovernmental coordination has never been more important than now. Our community is on the verge of significant growth with the development of the Hyundai project and other major employers expanding into our community. I appreciate the ‘smart growth’ initiative and definition that the Chamber has developed and I look forward to implementing Guyton’s Master Plan that the city recently developed with assistance from Pond & Co. consultants. Pond also worked with the county in development of their recreation plan. We want to promote good-paying jobs right here in our county and city; and the Chamber and IDA are doing an excellent job — a rising tide lifts all boats!”