By Barbara Augsdorfer, editor for the Effingham Herald
Saying that it will be a cost savings move to residents, the City of Guyton has amended its contract with Waste Pro of Hardeeville, South Carolina, and will discontinue recycling pick up as of April 7.
Unincorporated areas of Effingham County will continue to have trash and recycling pick up from Atlantic Waste.
The contract with Waste Pro was discussed and amended at the March 11 Guyton City Council meeting.
In the current contract, Guyton residents pay $14.47 per month for one garbage cart and $4.74 per month for a second garbage cart or recycling cart.
Now that recycling in Guyton is being discontinued, residents can opt to replace their recycling cart with a second cart (if they choose) for that same $4.74; or just stick with one cart for household garbage at $14.74 per month.
Residents and a councilman discussed the issue on the “Wake Up City of Guyton” Facebook page.
“The fact is we chose this option because it allows the customer to choose their level of service. In order to keep recycling, customers would have seen a price increase with no other option,” wrote Councilman Jeremiah Chancey. “Now customers won’t see a price increase, and the plan is for them to actually see a reduction in price, to keep trash service. If you wish to still have two bins, you can pay for the second bin and pay about the same as you would (have) had we kept recycling even if we don’t reduce the rate.”
Former Mayor Russ Deen challenged Chancey saying, “It is a price increase, but in the form of shrinkflation. We used to get two cans for this price, now we get one. Since council has agreed to this, how do you plan for customers to see a reduction in price?”
According to Chancey, Waste Pro will adjust its fees to reflect the discontinuance of the recycling pickup, then the city will pass on that savings to the residents. He added the rate could drop “$2 to $3” per month.
“The goal is always to ensure what we collect pays for services provided and not just another way to collect more revenue,” Chancey added.
“Revenue that was used for the betterment of the city, not to fund council retirement plans. All cities provide services and use the proceeds to run an effective government,” countered Deen. “If you believe services should only cost what they cost the city, our water rates should drop considerably. The fact is that it's not a one-to-one cost.
“Just using trash as an example, the additional revenue generated by the previous administration kept dry trash pickup free, paid employees who answered phone calls about trash, and helped pay for events like the free dumpster day we used to have,” Deen added.
Recycling available at county facility
If Guyton residents still want to recycle their aluminum cans, plastic bottles, cardboard, and so forth, those items can be taken to the Effingham County Dry Waste and Recycling Center, 2750 Courthouse Rd., Guyton. The center’s days and hours are Wednesday through Saturday, 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Fees are 10 cents/lb. or $200/ton. Metal can be dropped off for free. Tires are 35 cents/lb. with or without rims.
A spokesperson for the Dry Waste and Recycling Center said it’s better if when you bring recyclables to the center that they’re separated and not comingled; and cans and bottles should be rinsed out and clean.
According to its website, the City of Rincon charges residents $16.83 a month for both a garbage and recycling cart. Fees increase depending on how many carts a resident chooses to have. Trash is picked up weekly and recyclables are picked up twice a month.
The City of Springfield has weekly trash pickup, but no longer picks up recyclables from residents.