The City of Guyton was awarded a Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) Grant for sidewalk extensions throughout the City of Guyton. This award is for engineering funds in the amount of $993,193 (80% federal: $794,554 and 20% local match: $198,639).
A long-held goal of the City of Guyton is for its residents to walk from their residences to other residences, the downtown business district, the Guyton Walking Trail and Highland Park, and Guyton Elementary School.
The city has several miles of sidewalk; however, the sidewalk network has large gaps that force pedestrians to walk on the shoulders of the road or in the road. Walking close to moving vehicles is dangerous, especially for children and the elderly. To address this problem, the City of Guyton desires to add five sections of five-foot-wide concrete sidewalk at strategic locations in the City.
These five sidewalk additions would effectively interconnect all major pedestrian access points to improve pedestrian mobility and safety. After the improvements are completed, pedestrians will be able to walk from most neighborhoods to downtown to shop, to the proposed stores at Guyton Station, to recreation areas like Guyton Walking Trail and Highland Park, and to Guyton Elementary School.
The Guyton City Council will meet in a special called city council meeting beginning at 10 a.m. on Thursday, Feb. 23 at Guyton Gymnasium, 505 Magnolia St., Guyton, to discuss the next steps via Zoom with the engineers.