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Ending 2021 session with an emphasis on financial responsibility
burns jon 2015
Rep. Jon Burns

Fellow Georgians,

Our last day of the 2021 legislative session was March 31. As always, the last day, or “Sine Die,” is one of our busiest days at the Capitol. (“Sine Die” means without a specific date planned to resume; so, adjourning the House “Sine Die” means we do not plan to resume the session soon.)

The House acted on more than 90 bills on Sine Die, including Senate Bill 6 and Senate Bill 220, both of which I will highlight here. These two bills demonstrate the House Republican Caucus’s commitment to fiscal responsibility in government and for Georgia families. As we move through the rest of this year, I will review some of the essential details in the budget and additional pieces of legislation that will be of particular interest to you all.

As part of my duties as majority leader, I often participate in “Conference Committees.” Conference committees take place when the House and Senate cannot agree on a bill’s language, but both are committed to the policy initiative contained in the bill. These conference committees sit down and hash out the details of a bill, and the resulting compromise is presented on the floor of both houses. I was on two conference committees this year for bills that will greatly impact our state. First, I participated in a conference committee for the budget for Fiscal Year 2022 — a bill I will discuss in more detail in the upcoming weeks. Secondly, I participated in a conference committee for Senate Bill 6.

Senate Bill 6 contains several vital initiatives that will boost Georgia’s economy and support Georgia taxpayers.

SB 6 creates a review process for tax incentives in our state. This bill allows the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee or the Chairman of the Senate Finance Committee to request economic analysis of up to five tax incentives each. These analyses will provide additional information on the economic impact of these incentives, helping the legislature make decisions on how best to support Georgia businesses. Senate Bill 6 also includes tax credits for jobs created by medical equipment and supplies manufacturers or pharmaceutical and medicine manufacturers. 

Senate Bill 220, carried in the House by Representative Matthew Gambill from Cartersville, established a curriculum to teach high school students personal financial literacy. Far too many high school students do not learn about opening bank accounts, managing money responsibly, and appropriately using credit cards. This new course of study will help Georgia high school graduates head out into the world with the skills they need to succeed.

The session is over for the year, but please do not hesitate to call (404-656-5052), email, or engage on Facebook. 

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Jon  Burns  represents  District  159  in  the  Georgia General Assembly, where he serves as the House majority leader.