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Hamby’s failures as Guyton City Councilman
Letter to the Editor generic

Dear Editor:

Guyton City Councilman Theodore Hamby continues to disappoint his voter base and the citizens of Guyton. His latest embarrassment comes with a guilty verdict by the City of Guyton Ethics Board of wrongdoing in the Kelly Hoffner campaign and her runoff election bid for Effingham County Tax Commissioner.

The Guyton City Council’s review of this complaint ended with it voting to issue a reprimanded and request an apology from Hamby for his actions. No word on what will happen if Hamby doesn’t apologize since he has maintained his innocence throughout the hearing.

More of Hamby’s other failures: He campaigned on removal of the speed cameras in the Guyton Elementary school zone. He quickly found out the county would love to take over the cameras, receive the revenue, and enhance the safety for our elementary school kids the cameras provide – somewhere in the neighborhood of $1,000+ a month and reduces speeding in the school zone during school hours. His opposition to the cameras suggests your child’s safety doesn’t matter over a camera catching law breakers speeding in a school zone.

Then comes the decriminalizing the use of marijuana. He came to council with this proposal not totally prepared and with strong opposition from citizens and many questions from council on cause and effect.

Then during Hamby’s campaign for councilman, he sharply opposed the land purchase for the Guyton YMCA. He said it was a waste of taxpayer money and the city paid too much for the property. Then he turned around posing for photo opportunity thumbs up like Hamby himself had involvement in the project. Very opportunistic on Hamby’s part and very wrong.

Thanks to all the hard work of former City Manager Meketa Brown who Hamby couldn’t wait to publicly humiliate on his Facebook page paraphrasing a Ronald Reagan quote, “It’s Morning in Guyton” on Ms. Brown’s departure on her resignation. The city still hasn’t filled the vacancy of City Manager.

Hamby also strongly opposed the Guyton City Council receiving a retirement package for serving on city council -- a campaign promise Then a feasibility study regarding the retirement plan comes up for vote. Hamby votes for it. Then he attempts to pick a fight with fellow council member Jeremiah Chancey on his personal Facebook page over the reversal. Councilman Chancey challenged him on his reversal not sticking to his campaign promise.

My deepest desire is for this hemorrhaging of embarrassment after embarrassment to end. All this wasted energy and drama for being in office only eight months. Yikes! How much more is to come?

The entire Effingham County sees this council and the dramas unfold. I can only imagine what other councils and citizens are thinking right now about the City of Guyton and her council and residents. Not to mention those of us who live here. My deepest hope is all this drama will draw focus with attention for better candidates stepping up to serve and a higher voter turnout. Councilmembers Michael Johnson and Joseph Lee’s seats are coming up for election.

Hamby’s youth and inexperience in this role of city councilman seems to be too big for him. He has openly expressed he doesn’t know what he is doing. “Recall Hamby” comes to mind, but the process is difficult. Makes me wonder, will Hamby’s future on council turn him into a lame duck or a puppet or more of as the stomach turns?

Can there be hope for Hamby and this council to dig their way out of these embarrassing situations? Maybe! I for one hope. For now, we all wait to see how high our millage rate increases, and our water bills rise.


Mike Gerwig,
